Liquorice Allsorts Consulting is Kate McPhee (formerly Reynolds) and the occasional subject-expert associate.​
Liquorice Allsorts (gettit?!) is a range of mostly 'back room' services, which frees up my clients to focus on the frontline of their team or organisation.
​My aim is to develop a personal, in-depth understanding of your operations and organisational needs in order to make achieving your objectives and your success my first priority.
My business model is simple - usually I charge an hourly fee which varies according to the complexity of the work required for each task or project. We'll agree upfront what I'll do for you, and with no lock-in contracts, that means you pay only for what is necessary to get the job done or the problem solved.
Sometimes, an all-inclusive fixed price quote for a certain types of projects gives the right mix of predictability and flexibility we all need.
For some projects or tasks (and only after discussion with you) I'll bring in an associate with expertise matched to your particular requirements, but I'll still be the human you're dealing with.
If you want to know more about my work history, go here - but only if you really don't have anything better to do. Instead, I'd recommend you spend the time making contact with me so we can work out how I can help you and your organisation work smarter, not harder...
(BTW - Your personal, organisation and business information will be held solely by
Liquorice Allsorts Consulting - no information is ever disclosed or shared without your consent.)​
ABN 79952645522